Friday, April 22, 2011


When coloring eggs with natural dyestuffs, the eggs are cooked and colored at the same time.  Start the eggs covered with an inch of warm water and gradually raise the temperature, this keeps the eggs from cracking.  Cook for about 20 minutes.  Let the eggs cool down in the liquid.

Wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie with string add 1 tbs white vinegar. The vinegar helps to keep the color on the eggs.


Draw on eggs with crayons, with turmeric and 1 tbs white vinegar to the water.

Wrap the egg in tea bags fastened with string or rubber bands.  Use regular tea or red zinger and 1 tbs white vinegar.

You can add chopped or sliced beets and 1 tbs white vinegar to the water.

Use coffee grounds and 1 tbs white vinegar to the water.
Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dye and swirl the eggs in the color.

Try other dyes such as cranberry juice, grape juice, wine, and wrap the eggs in cabbage leaves.

The longer you leave the eggs in the water the better the results.

The eggs can be over dyed for more complex colors.

The eggs can be polished with some vegetable oil if you want a shine on them.

Surprise, Surprise!